“Do not let a day pass without nourishing your life with the beauty of simple things being noticed,” the messenger said. “Always be true to yourself. The flowers of tomorrow are the seeds of today. So plant seeds in the fertile soil of your heart every day. If you do it, you will understand how happy and unique a beautiful everyday life can be. Trust in life and yourself, and always follow the voice of your heart. Don’t take your existence too seriously.
Laugh, do silly things, take risks. It’s your life: your own story, your own book: the book of your life. Write it every day with beautiful colors and never ask others to re-write it for you. We all have a story to tell, so never apologize for the edits you make. Feel invincible without ever losing your humbleness. Surround yourself with others you can learn from, good people, people with open hearts. Be prepared for pain and sorrow, for they are part of every life. Learn while you suffer, and become stronger, so you will never repeat the same mistake. Learn the lesson, so you will always face life with optimism, for only those who find peace within themselves will never be at war with the world. You will feel eternal peace, and become a guiding light for those that surround you.
Never forget that you are the sole creator of your destiny. Don’t listen to those who tell you the way you are supposed to live your life:
Only you can listen to the music that dwells in your soul, and no one else. Understand that what is right here might be wrong elsewhere. The journey of your life is not written in wood or stone. It is carved by your actions and decisions while you travel through your own and unique path.
Never take years of your life, live every moment, and add life to your years, for it is more important how you lived than how long you did. Always remember that goodness and evil will exist everywhere, so if you want to smell a rose, be prepared to feel its spines. Grey clouds will always be part of the horizon. Yet, sooner or later, they will fade away. You just need patience.
Live life to the limit, and don’t always question your actions: it is better to try something new and fail, rather than not to try it at all, even if pain fills your heart. For if you don’t save yourself from being no one, who will?
Every cycle of life has its own beauty, so never listen to those that will tell you that your best years are long gone. When I was forty, many said to me about the age crisis I was about to feel. When I was fifty, they kept insisting, and yet I am still waiting for a crisis that I now know will never arrive. Fill the past with good memories, learn to live in the here and now and leave to the future dreams that are yet to come: if you do it, you will have defeated time and space. Age will be meaningless. You will rejoice, and always thank life for what it is: a gift of the Universe.
Take each day of your life as a unique opportunity to discover something perfect. Make every moment of your life a time worth remembering.”
Extract from the book “THE MESSENGER – A fable” – by Sergio Bambaren